Photos Courtesy of
Curtis Haws
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Tony Martinez and Me in 1970



Me in 1971


Marble Mountain - mid 1971
Blond Kid ???, SSGT Pridgion,
me on the ice, John Gillespie,
and Tony Martinez


Joker tent at Dong Ha


While we were still at Ninh Hoa in 1970

BACK ROW L TO R,  John Lockhart, Farmen aka Mouse, John Reid, Rick Lester, Edmond Bilbrey, Mr. Martin, Cpt. Jenkins, Pat Fuselier, Jackson, James Schaffer.

FRONT ROW L TO R, Steve Knowles, Cpt. Schifflet, Paul Laganor, Freddie Few, Lt. May, Christman, Pierce, Pat Branch.

(This is only part of the Jokers, the rest were flying missions when the picture was taken).


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