This Association shall be known as the "Blue Star Aviation Association", hereafter referred to as the "Association". It is an organizational association for military personnel who were assigned to the 48th Assault Helicopter Company, a supporting unit of the 48th Assault Helicopter Company  or military personnel assigned to a successor unit of the 48th Assault Helicopter Company carrying the name "Blue Star".


The Association is dedicated to the fulfillment of the following purposes:

a.          To enhance and accredit the cohesiveness, esprit de corps, and traditions of valor of the personnel of the 48th Assault Helicopter Company and their supporting units who served in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam era (1961-1975) and to create a lasting bond to the successors of the 48th Assault Helicopter Company who continue to bear the proud name and insignia of "Blue Star".

b.          To seek out, using whatever means available, individuals who served in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam Era and those who have served and/or continue to serve in a successor unit of the 48th Assault Helicopter Company under the insignia of "Blue Star" and inform them of the existence of the Association and encourage all eligible individuals to become members.

c.     To document and perpetuate the history of the 48th Assault Helicopter Company and the successor unit(s) proudly carrying on the traditions of the "Blue Stars".

d.          To perpetuate and preserve the memory and heroic deeds of those who proudly served as a "Blue Star" and made the ultimate sacrifice.


Section I.        The Association shall operate on a calendar year basis and shall maintain its headquarters at Monrovia, California.

Section II.   The Association shall operate as a not for profit organization.

Section III.   An annual audit shall be conducted either by individuals or a recognized                          agency appointed by the Association Council.


Section I.      Meetings shall be held at least at least annually.          

Section II.    Meeting locations shall rotate and shall be held at a place and time selected by the Association Council. The meeting will normally be held during the period of the annual reunion sponsored by the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association (VHPA) and may or may not be held in the same location.

Section III.     The Association Council shall announce the preliminary or final date and place of the next meeting during the current meeting, and shall follow up that announcement by any combination of written, telephonic, or e-mail notification. In addition the Association Newsletter and web site shall advise of meeting information.

Section IV.      In the event the next meeting location or schedule must be changed, all members shall be advised by any combination of written, telephonic, or e-mail notification. In addition the Association Newsletter and web site shall advise of meeting information.


Section I.         General Membership is open to all personnel who served in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam era, (1961 – 1975) who were assigned to the 48th Assault Helicopter Company or a supporting unit. General Membership is also open to personnel who have been assigned to or are assigned to a successor unit of the 48th Assault Helicopter Company. A successor unit shall be one who has carried the colors and insignia of the 48th Assault Helicopter Company, “Blue Star”. Any individual applying for General Membership may be required to provide documentation of assignment to the 48th, a supporting unit, or a successor unit.

Section II.       Members shall be classified as, General, Associate and Honorary. To be recognized as an active member in the General classification, the member must be in good standing and current in his dues.

Section III.   Membership classification definitions are as follows:

a.          General membership shall be conferred upon an individual eligible for membership who pays a specified amount of dues, annually, as directed by the Association Council, meets the General Membership criteria in Section I above, and approved by the General membership.

b.          Associate membership shall be conferred to those persons, not otherwise eligible for General membership who may be related by blood, birth, or marriage, to an individual who qualified for membership as a General Member, but passed away and who pays a specified amount of dues, annually, as directed by the Association Council. Associated memberships shall be approved by the Association Council.

c.          Honorary membership shall be conferred to distinguished persons, such as aviation pioneers, guest speakers and aviation dignitaries. In addition, Honorary memberships may be granted to those persons who have had a significant impact on helicopter operations, as it existed during the period of conflict in Southeast Asia, and upon the pilots of those aircraft. Honorary memberships shall be approved by the Association Council.


Section I.        The officers of the Blue Star Aviation Association shall be:

a.    President.

b.    Vice President (who shall be President-elect and shall succeed the President).

c.    Three Members at Large

d.    The Immediate Past President

e.   Secretary

f.   Treasurer

Section II.      The Association Council shall consist of:

a.   President

b.   Vice President

c.   Three Members at Large

d.   The Immediate Past President

e.   Secretary

f.   Treasurer

Section III.   Holding office or other positions of influence and trust shall be limited to eligible General members, as defined in this Constitution.

Section IV.   Responsibility and Authority of the Association Council

a.          The Association Council shall be the governing body of the Association. It shall be responsible for the management of the affairs of the Association, including funds, programs and regulations. It shall have the authority to approve budgets, authorize expenditures, seek and accept contributions and approve meeting sites and program arrangements.

b.          A majority vote of the Association Council shall prevail in all matters pertaining to the Association. At its discretion, with the exception of specific matters stated herein, some matters may be submitted to the General membership for approval.

c.          The Secretary or Treasurer shall have a vote only as a tiebreaker. The Secretary shall have priority for the tie-breaker vote.

d.          In addition to business conducted at the scheduled Association meetings, the Association may make conference calls, as needed, for the purpose of conducting Association business. The President shall have the authority to authorize such conference calls as deemed necessary. Prior to authorization, the President shall coordinate with the Treasurer to ensure operational funds are available to cover the costs.

e.          The Association Council shall delegate authority and functions to the Secretary or Treasurer or specific members of the Association.

f.           The Association Council shall perform such other duties as prescribed by the Constitution and Bylaws.

Section V.        Committees

a.          The Association shall have the following standing committees whose duties and responsibilities are outlined in the job descriptions and policy statements approved by the Association Council:

1.          Historical

2.          Membership

3.          Annual Program/Planning

b.          Vacancies for the chairmanship of all committees shall be filled by appointment by the President.

c.          All appointments to a chairmanship of a committee shall be ratified by the Association Council.


Section I.        All General members are entitled to vote. Voting may be accomplished         by one of the following methods:

a.          By ballot or acclamation at any scheduled meeting for which the General Membership has received notification.

b.         Electronically – by email. The General membership shall receive email notification of pending matters or issues to be decided. The matters or issues pending approval or action shall be prepared by the Association Council and forwarded to the Secretary/Treasurer. The secretary/Treasurer shall send email notification to all current members in good standing at their email address of record outlining the pending matters or issues to be decided. The General Membership shall respond within five (5) calendar days of the date of email notification from the Secretary/Treasurer. The Secretary/treasurer shall verify that all votes were cast by members in good standing, tabulate the votes and forward the results to the Association Council. The Secretary/Treasurer shall then notify the membership, by email, of the results.

It shall be the responsibility of each General member to notify the Secretary/Treasurer of any email address change.

Section II.       General Members in good standing are eligible to vote and shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at all scheduled meetings of the Association or by electronic email vote.